Mar 26, 2010

Another update — this time with pictures

We've moved on to the city of Arundel, and just left Horsham. But let me catch you up with pictures.

This was our welcoming party in Horsham. From left to right are Gaby (whom I lived with for five days), Janet, Jim, Mary, Brad, Peta, Brian, Scott, Richard and Cam. You can also barely see Geoff behind Scott. Gaby, Brian, Richard and Geoff are members of the Horsham Rotary Club. Jim stayed with Richard and Janet, Scott stayed with Geoff and Mary, and Brad and Cam stayed with Brian and Peta. We've spent a lot of time visiting with them and sharing information about our jobs, our hometowns and Rotary clubs in America and the U.K.

They made us feel SO welcome. We were very sad to say goodbye to all of them last night and today.

This is the bed and breakfast Geoff and Mary own — where Scott stayed — called The Thatched House. It looks exactly like I always imagined a thatched cottage would look.

This is the Church of St. Andrew and St. Cuthman in Steyning. It was built on the site of a church built by St. Cuthman in 750 AD. The story goes something like this: "His legend states he was a shepherd who had to care for his paralysed mother after his father's death. When they fell on hard times and were forced to beg from door to door, he built a one-wheeled cart or wheelbarrow (with a rope from the handles over his shoulders taking part of the weight) in which he moved her around with him. They set out east, towards the rising sun, from his home and, even though the rope broke, he improvised a new one ... deciding that when that rope broke he would accept it as a sign from God to stop at that place and build a church." It broke in Steyning.

And for now I'll end with this story: A worker was fixing a wall in Steyning. Someone in the past had, for some reason known only to him, put a pair of false teeth into the wall. So the worker who was fixing the wall asked for people to bring their false teeth to him. He put a pair he received into the wall. :-)

I'll fill you in tomorrow on our vocational visits and what we toured yesterday and today.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say, I've never seen a wall with teeth in it before! These are certainly the things we'd miss as tourists without such good, personal guides accompanying us! Very interesting, and a very beautiful little town!
